Saturday, January 20, 2007

Reason #2

I won't get your vote for President because I truly believe in freedom and liberty, and at some point, this will directly conflict with your opinions. In order to be truly free, each of us should have the right to say and do whatever we want as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. Let's see how many you disagree with.

  1. All drugs should be legal. Each individual should have the right to put whatever they want into their bodies, no matter how bad these drugs may be for them. These individuals may be stupid, but the still have their rights. For those who argue that it does effect us all by using the argument that we have to pay for their health care, please be sure to read my thoughts on the health care system coming soon.
  2. Everyone should have the right to protect their property, and that includes with a gun, machete, hang grenade, switch blade, or baseball bat. I'm sure there are more, but as long as the person is defending his or her property, which includes theirselves, it is okay.
  3. There should be no taxes. Taxes are simply a redistribution of wealth, and used by politicians to buy votes.
  4. EVERYONE should be allowed to trade ANYTHING with ANYBODY else. This appears to be such a simple proposition, and many may believe we are allowed to, but that is far from the case. Can you trade anything with someone from Cuba? Can you buy marijuana from a grower? Can you trade money for sex from a prostitute?
  5. Nobody has the right to a job. Again, sounds simple and most would agree on the surface, but what this truly means is the agreement between and employer and employee is completely VOLUNTARY and only their business. So no force can be used in those negotiations, particularly by a third party (government). That means no minimum wage can be forced upon an employer. No forced health care. No force when it comes to firing -- an employer can hire and fire as they please, and for any reason, no matter how dispicable. This includes firing because an employee gets pregnant, is on drugs, or for reasons based on sex, sexual orientation or even race. Yes, these all should be allowed in a truly free country, and yes, many of these are dispicable, but that doesn't mean they should be against the law. What should happen is customers and clients of those companies should not do business with them if they continue those habits. Guess what happens to companies that don't have customers (and don't get subsidized by government tax money)? That's right, they go out of business.
This list will continue to grow as the days go on...

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